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5 Reasons why Hemp is the Future of Sustainability

It’s no secret that we are facing a green revolution, so, let’s find out why Hemp is one of the most sustainable fibers known at the moment!

5 Reasons why Hemp is the Future of Sustainability

It’s no secret that we are facing a green revolution and the urge to find new, better, and more sustainable solutions is more present each day that goes by. 

Well, we might have a good solution for your brand – meet HEMP, one of the oldest fibers used in textile production. Hemp used to be the most common natural fiber used and cultivated, even here in Europe, in the early twentieth century. However, it almost disappeared due to the mass production of cotton, the competition with synthetic fibers and as a result of anti-drug legislations. 

Luckily for us, and the environment, the “industrial” hemp that is nowadays being cultivated and used for textile applications hardly contains any trace of the psychoactive component of the original plant, the Cannabis Sativa L.

So, let’s find out why this is such a star amongst those who are environmentally friendly, making it one of the most sustainable fibers known. 

1. It uses less energy and less water

Watering hemp

When talking about cannabis plantations (legal or illegal) you sure already heard that they require special lighting and watering in order to thrive. 

But when it comes to hemp is the absolute opposite! Meaning that these crops, when legally planted, can be grown outdoors using solely natural conditions and light. There’s no need for humidifiers nor heating elements. 

Another plus is that the plant needs pretty much no irrigation during growth, since its roots are so long, they can reach for lower water sheets that the normal crops can’t. 

2. Crops help the soil for future plantations

Hemp Crops

You read that one right! We’re used to seeing that massive cultivation of most crops is causing massive erosion making plantation pretty impossible in certain places. 

Well, turns out hemp has the opposite effect, once again due to its deep roots and the fact that it is a bio-accumulator. This means it absorbs everything from the soil, including the bad things that could prejudice other crops, therefore improving the quality of the ground. It also helps to keep the soil together, reducing erosion and loosening the earth. 

3. Uses organic growth practices

Organic growth

Did you know that hemp can grow up to four meters in just a couple of months? Weeds don’t stand a chance with that fast growth and due to that hemp plantations do not need the usage of any chemical fertilizers! 

Also, hemp is a very friendly plant and has almost no natural enemies in the insect world, which means that there’s no need to use pesticides either! A plus for the environment and the ecosystem. 

4. It is Zero Waste, Recyclable and Biodegradable 

Hemp Medicine

One of the best assets of this plant is the fact that you can use each part of it for something, which makes it 100% usable: Flowers can be used to produce therapeutic and nutritional products; Seeds can be eaten raw or turned into oils due to its big concentration of amino acids and nutrients; Stalks can be used in the production of bioplastics and textiles; and Leaves return to the soil as organic compost, providing good nutrition for future crops. 

The fiber is also 100% Recyclable and Biodegradable.   

5. Benefits for Clothing

Sustainable T-shirts

Hemp textiles used to have a very rigid connotation; however, they are growing softer and have been having great results in retaining colors (better than cotton). 

The fiber is also highly absorbent, like the plant itself, taking water as rapidly as it releases it. Hemp also doesn’t enclose much hair and has relatively poor insulation properties, resembling linen, this resulting in a very fresh and cool fabric, ideal for summer. 

As you can see “there is hope for a sustainable future where we support the Earth, and the Earth supports life”. We’re not quite living in a sustainable utopia, yet, but at least we now know it is becoming more and more possible and reachable. It most definitely will take a long way to get there, but every little step counts so don’t waste your opportunity to make the change. 

At FLM we are proud to announce that we have been increasing the usage of sustainable materials in our products almost every month; whether on the fabrics or packaging. From recyclable to recycled fabrics, we have solutions and are more than happy to help you start your revolution! 

by, Cláudia Noversa

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